Jeff Duncan-Andrade - "Growing Roses in Concrete"
This powerful TED talk by professor Jeff Duncan-Andrade is one that every educator should
see. He is a teacher, a professor, and an integral part of the organization Roses in Concrete.
Their vision to create an system that provides equitable education [and services] to urban students is one
that I have no doubt will change the landscape of education.
Their vision to create an system that provides equitable education [and services] to urban students is one
that I have no doubt will change the landscape of education.
The role of teacher is multifacited and complex, yet the role of advocate for one's students
is the foundation from which the rest is built. These educators are role models not only to
their students, but to teachers everywhere.
Here is the Project Description from their website:
"Our short-term goal is to start a K-12 school-center in Oakland that embodies the principles
and practices described above. The school will function as the center within the neighborhoods
surrounding it and provide wrap-around services in education, health, housing, and job training.
The long-term goal is to create a model for urban education that prioritizes the needs of youth
and families as the pathway to building healthy and sustainable communities across the U.S.
and around the world.
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